Harry Potter Theme song

Friday, November 19, 2010

Harry Potter and the Sorcere's Stone

Harry Potter and the Sorcere's Stone is about when Harry is born and his parents (James and Lilly Potter) get killed by the evil Lord Voldemort. Harry is givin to his aunt Petunia and uncle Vernon and cousin Dudly. They are very mean to Harry and he lives under the stairs. They once take him to the museum and a cobra snake gets lost. but what Harry dosnt know is hes a wizard with magical powers. The glass open and Dudly walks in and gets traped inside. Harry does not get food for a week. Letters start coming to Harry, but uncle Vernon does not let him see them. Intill one day magical owls come during the day and cover the Dursley's whole house so they move out on to a house on an island where vernon thinks the letters can not find them there. One day when everyone is sleeping a big man knoks down their door to see Harry. He tells him all about how he is a wizard and more about his parents. The big man (Rubeus Hagrid) gives Harry the letter that uncle Vernon did not let him see. It says that Harry is invited to attend school at Hogwarts. Harry accepts the invitation and goes to London with Hagrid to get Harry's books. He returns back to the Durleys. He takes a train called the Hogwarts Express and ther he meets Ron and Hermione they become friends. They arive at Hogwarts and get sorted into house all three of the friends go into Gryfindor. there first adventure is nothing compared to whats coming in there future. in the end harry is considered a hero in his first year at hogwarts school of whitchcraft and wizardry. they are awarded extra house points and win the house cup!

By: CK

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