Harry Potter Theme song

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Deathly Hollows movie Part 1

this is the best movie ive ever seen. of all time. it was sad and scary and at some parts, gory. some parts were really graphic like when ron got splinched there was a lot of blood so i closed my eyes ;) i loved how they ended the first part with voldemort having the elder wand on an abandoned island and sparks shooting from the wand. and then its over. it was really intense i could feel my heart racing at the parts when they were wand fighting or being chased. and dobbys death was really sad. and at malfoy manor i got really scared because i knew what was going to happen there. and in godrics hollow harry and hermione put a wreath on harrys parents grave in a cemetary and hermione turns her head and whispers to harry ' someones watching us by the church.' then you see this little old lady with her hood up it was scary. and when harry was being attacked by the snake in bathildas house was scary how it just popped up and scared the living daylight out of you. and when harry opens the horcrux locket and something pops out at ron its huge and i thought hed never kill it. the actors in the movie really got into charecter so i felt like  i was right there watching everything happen it was an awesome movie.

By: JG

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