Harry Potter Theme song

Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Half-Blood Prince

the half-blood prince is someone you'll never guess. when harry finds a potions book written in my the mysterious half-blood prince filled with amazing potions tips that got him perfect scores in that class, and some spells the half-blood prince invented himself. harry keeps the potions book and replaces it with a new copy so he can keep getting good potions grades. one day he sees a spell 'sectemsempra' and he wonders what it does. he keeps quiet about it and doesn't try it out until Draco malfoy and him have a duel in the bathroom harry tries out the spell and its terrible. it leaves huge gashes on the person and there was blood everywhere. snape comes to try and mend Draco's cuts and asks harry to get all his school books and bring them to him. he cant show snape the potions book so he asks Ron for his potions book and hides his in the room of requirement.

By: JG

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