Harry Potter Theme song

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Dobby the house elf is like my favorite character. house elves are slaves for wizard families and can only be freed when there master presents them with clothes. dobby is the cutest thing. when he first was introduced in the 2nd book, he had come to warn harry about the danger that was about to strike Hogwarts. and strike it does. in the end of that book harry frees dobby from his from his masters and dobby is a free elf. then in the 4th book harry meets another house elf who knows dobby and harry meets dobby again at Hogwarts were dobby gets a job in the kitchens and helps harry in the second task of the triwizard tournament. then in the 5th book dobby helps harry find the room of requirement where they can meet for dumbledores army. then in the 7th book dobby is the most amazing hero that rescues harry Ron Hermione grip hook ollivander and Luna from malfoy manor and trys to bring them to shell cottage but just seconds before dobby apparates out of malfoy manor Bellatrix throws her knife at them and it hits dobby. so sadly he dies. it was sooooooo sad. far well to our cutest hero;(

By: JG

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