Harry Potter Theme song

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


there are lots of classes at hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. like transfiguration, potions, care of magical creatures, herbology, history of magic, muggle studies, charms, defense against the dark arts, arthmincy, astronomy, and divination.
transfiguration-this class is taught by professor mcgonagull. transfiguration is when a witch or wizard transfigures an animal or an object into something else. there are spells to say to turn one thing into another.
potions-this class is tauhght by professor snape. potions class is when you make potions in cauldrons. there are lots of different ingrediants to put into the cauldron and the potions.
care of magical creatures-this class is taught by hagrid. care of magical creatures is learning about the magical creatures in the wizarding world and how to care for them.
herbology-this class is taught by professor sprout. in herbology you learn about magical plats in the wizarding world and you learn how to take care of them.
history of magic-this class taught by professor binns. in this class you learn history of magic and history of things and things that happened in the wizard world.
muggle studies-this class is taught by professor burbage. in this class you learn about muggles. its the study of muggles and you learn how they live and things about the muggle world.
charms-this class is taught by professor flitwick. in this class you learn charms. charms are spells that can help you do alot of things. there are lots of charms and you can do lots of things with charms because theres alot of charms in the magic world.
defense against the dark arts-this class was never taught by one person for more than one year. the teachers that have taught defense against the dark arts were professor quirell, professor lockhart, professor lupin, professor moody, professor umbridge, professor snape, and professor carrow. in this class you learn how to defend yourself against the dark arts and fight the dark arts.
arithmany-this class is taught by professor vector. in this class you learn divination by numbers and learn ancient Greek isopsephy or Hebrew/Aramaic gematria, as adapted to the Latin alphabet.
astronomy-this class is taught by professor sinirsta. in this class you learn about natural science that deals with the study of celestial objects (such as stars, planets, comets, nebuae, star clusters and galaxies)
divination-this class is taught by professor trelawney. in this class you learn about how to prodict the future. you learn about how to look into a glass ball and make prochcy. its the study of phsicic things.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Lord Voldemort

Lord Voldemort is one of the most important characters because evrything that is happening is because of him. Voldemort is accualy a man named tom riddle, who was a wizard and then decided to become evil and change his name. he was so powerful he could not be defeated. that was until he faced harry potter. the night he killed harrys parents he turned to kill harry after killing his mom. when he shot the killing curse atharry the curse rebounded and hit voldemort. he was barley alive, almost less than a soul and had no human body, but he was not dead. he fleed. fleed the country and went into hidding. no one had seen him in 13 years until he came back, gained human form, and was more powerful than before. when he came back to life from harrys blood, harry so narowly escaped voldemorts clutches and warned everyone voldemort was back. but sadly not many people believed him. his friends of course and a few other people but no one else did, considering the minister of magic told everyone it wasnt true. until voldemort shows up a year later at the ministry of magic and his death eaters battle 6 15 year olds, harry, ron, hermione, ginny, neville, and luna. and then voldemort shows up and battles dumbledore, which brings everyone to the minisrty and everyone sees sense and finds out voldemort is back but he gets away. then voldemort got so powerful that he practicly took over the wizard world and the ministry goes agasint harry and anyone who is on harrys side. they try hunting harry down and everything that was once good is evil and everything is turned around to terrible things. while all this is happening harry ron and hermione are out searchig for horcruxes and when they go to hogwarts a war breaks out and people are dying and hogwarts is getting ripped apart and theres lots of things that happen at the war but theres to much deatil and im not gonna say it all and then voldemort dies!!